Video: MC12000's HorizonLink Stitch Composer: Creating A Design

Making up your own decorative stitches is easy and fun.

One of the amazing things you can do with the Horizon Memory Craft 12000 is create your own stitches from scratch. Anything you can trace out with your computer mouse can be turned into a running stitch up to 9mm wide.

You can do this with the HorizonLink Stitch Composer software for your PC that comes with your sewing machine. The software is easy to use and your stitches can be quickly transferred to your MC12000. On your machine you can select them and sew with them just like the built-in stitches.

When you create a stitch, you need to have a locking stitch at the beginning and a locking stitch at the end. Between these you'll need a Start point, a Loop point, and an End point. 

How To Create A Custom Stitch With HorizonLink Stitch Composer

  1. Be sure you have the software installed, and your PC connected to your Memory Craft 12000.
  2. Start the HorizonLink Stitch Composer software.
  3. On the screen at point 0,0 click three times to add three stitch points.
  4. Create a starting point by clicking the Start point icon. You'll create your stitch from left to right so it can sew out continually.
  5. Click a series of points to trace out the shape of your stitch, just like doing a dot-to-dot. If you make a mistake, you can just use the Backspace key.
  6. At the end of your stitch, you'll need to make a Loop point to tell the software to go back to the Start point and make this design over and over.
  7. When you're finished with your shape, insert an End Point. Then make three little stitches and insert a tie off.
  8. Go into View and under Window Layout click "Left & Right."
  9. Click the Play icon. This will play will play an animation of the stitch being stitched out.
  10. To save your stitch go to the top-most tab and click the Save-As icon. Then save your stitch to your chosen folder on your PC.
  11. Click Send to send your completed stitch to the machine.
  12. On your Memory Craft 12000 go into Decorative Stitches. Then go to Created Stitches, and there's the stitch you've created!

And you're ready to sew it out.

To see this demonstrated with a more detailed explanation, watch the video: HorizonLink Stitch Composer: Creating A Stitch.

Creating your own stitches is addictive. If you want to try it out for yourself, see your local, authorized Janome dealer and ask for a demonstration on the Horizon Memory Craft 12000.

Follow along with the Stitch Composer Lesson here.

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