Software Lessons

Combine Designs

1. Click the Combine icon on the new Combine Toolbar.

2. Click Add Hoop icon. Click and drag the outline of the hoop over a corner design. When you release the mouse key all of the design should turn green. Repear the Add Hoop process until you have all of the designs colored green. Notice how each of the hoopings has a different outline color.

3. If you click Calculate Hooping icon, the software will tell you how many hoopings are required to stitch the entire design. Be patient as this process could take some time depending on how many hoopings you have placed on the screen.

4. Click Print Preview Icon.

5. Click Options button. You will notice some changes to the Options dialogue.
6. Uncheck the following: Connectors, Start/End Crosshairs, and Embroidery Information. Check the following: Clothsetter Marking, Fit To Page, and Work Area. Click OK.
7. You will now see your complete layout as shown at an unknown scale.

You can print the layout at 1:1 in order to create a full size template with which to layour the design on the workpiece. There are numbered placement lines in the corners of the sheets. However, by applying a known grid size and printing at a known scale you can create a layout using less paper by measuring on your work piece.

The layour also tells y ou the order in which the designs will be sent to the machine and stitched. These numbers will be reflected in the design name on the machine.

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