Michael Miller’s “Manscaping” fabric served as inspiration for these fun “just for him” accessories. The unshaved man in your life will get a chuckle out of these great grilling and cooking accessories!
Janome Supplies Required
Janome Supplies Required
- Any Janome sewing machine with a blanket stitch
- Zig-Zag foot A
- Open Toe Satin Stitch foot F2
- Even Feed foot
- Quilting Bar
- Blue Tip needle 75/11
Fabric and Notions Required
Fabric and Notions Required
- Burda 8125 – View B for Oven Mitts
- – View C for Apron
- Matching all purpose sewing thread
- Marking pencil
- Straight pins
- Mustache pattern (download link)
Fabric for Oven Mitts
- 45/45” print fabric – ½ yd.
- 44/45” solid fabric – ½ yd.
- ½ yd. Insul-bright Insulated lining
Fabric for Apron
- 45/45” print fabric – 1 ¼ yd.
- 44/45” solid fabric – 1/3 yd. for pocket
- 1/3 yd. fusible interfacing
- 4” X 12” black fabric for mustache
- 4” X 12” paper backed fusible web
- 1 package of double fold bias tape
Oven Mitt
- Cut two 1” X 18” strips from printed or solid fabric on the straight of grain.
- Fold strips in half lengthwise (wrong sides together) and press with iron.
- Open up and press each of the raw edges toward the center fold. You will end up with a ¼” double fold strip.
- On the printed fabric, use a fabric marking pen to draw an X in the center of the fabric, extending it to the fabric edge.
- Make a quilt sandwich by placing solid fabric on bottom, right side down, then insulated lining, and printed fabric on top. Pin through all layers to hold together.
- Attach Even Feed foot. Insert quilting bar and set 1” from center needle position.
- Select straight stitch. Adjust stitch length to 4.0.
- Sew on one of the lines you just marked on the printed fabric.
- Place the sewn line under the quilting bar guide. Sew another line of stitches, using the previous row of stitches as your guide. Repeat sewing lines of stitches until the fabric is covered.
- Repeat this process on the other side of the marked X. When complete the fabric will be a quilted diamond shaped grid.
- Cut 4 of the mitt pieces from the pattern.
- With right sides together pin two of the mitt pieces together; start sewing on the thumb side with a 3/8” seam allowance stopping 4” from the end. Trim seam allowances to 3/16”.
- Bind the top of the mitt with the ¼” X 18” fabric from step 1. Leaving a 1” tail of binding at beginning and end, place top of mitt edge inside of folded binding, pin in place and stitch. Leave a ¾” opening at seam line on thumb side of mitt.
- Bring the loose ends of binding together and sew them together.
- Take the piece that you cut and form a loop. Insert raw edges of loop into ¾” opening of binding opening. Pin in place and sew the rest of the binding at the top closed.
- Repeat the same steps for the next mitt.
- Cut apron out of printed fabric, and pocket from fusible interfacing.
- Fuse interfacing to wrong side of pocket fabric, and cut out 2 pocket pieces. One will not have the interfacing.
- Fuse webbing to back of black fabric following manufacturing directions.
- Download and cut out mustache template.
- Trace mustache to back of black fabric and cut out.
- Take the pocket piece with interfacing and center mustache onto the front and fuse in place.
- Attach Open Toe Satin Stitch foot F2. Select the applique/blanket stitch and sew around the mustache.
- With right sides together, pin both pocket pieces together. Sew around the pocket using a 3/8” seam allowance. Leave a 3” opening. Trim corners and turn inside out. Press.
- Mark packet placement from pattern onto front of apron.
- Attach Zig-Zag foot A. Pin pocket in place and topstitch close to edge of pocket being careful to make sure the opening seams are straight. Stitch with a ¼” around the 3 sides again.
- Bind the curved edges and top of the apron with the pre folded bias tape. Start with the 2 curved edges first. On the top edge, fold the beginning and end of bias tape ½” in before stitching.
- Press the bottom and side seams 3/8” towards the wrong side. Open up and turn the raw edges toward the folded edge, press in place.
- Stitch down close to folded edge.
- With right sides together stitch the 2 short ends of the apron ties together first. Then stitch the long edges leaving an opening in the middle for turning.
- Trim corners and turn inside out. Sew opening close. Do this for all 3 pieces.
- Take the 2 long pieces and stitch to the sides of the apron.
- Take the remaining bands and attach to the top 2 edges of the apron.