These leaves are appliquéd onto felt, cut out and displayed around a centerpiece or where ever you may need a little fall spice. Jane’s leaves were all made with Stonehenge fabrics, a tonal collection courtesy of Northcott.
To view Jane’s full line of patterns and fabric collections visit
Janome Supplies Required
- Horizon MC 12000, MC 15000 or MC 9900
- Embroidery Foot P
- Embroidery Hoop GR for the 12,000 or 15,000 machines
- Embroidery Hoop RE20a for the 9900.
- Embroidery Designs
Fabric and Notions Required
- 1/2 yd felt, or pieces large enough to hoop (Jane used a moss green)
- Tonal fabric for appliqué, 1/8 yard pieces or scraps at least 5″ x 8″. Autumn colors.
- 1/2 yd or more fusible web, depending upon how many leaves you wish to make.
- Embroidery needle size 90/14
- 40 wt. rayon embroidery thread in colors to complement appliqué
General Instructions:
-Download the embroidery files (.jef). There are four available.
– Oak GR.jef is specifically for the GR hoop and makes three large leaves.
– Oak RE20a.jef is specifically for the RE20a hoop, although it could also be used in a larger hoop. It makes one small and one large leaf.
– Large Oak.jef is for an individual large leaf.
– Small Oak.jef is for an individual small leaf.
-Print the template page for the appliqué leaves. The templates are reversed for fusing and fusing instructions are on the template page.
Appliqué in the Hoop Instructions:
- Fuse and cut out as many leaves you intend to embroider.
- Hoop the felt for the design and machine you are using. There is no need to stabilize. The felt is very stable already.
- Prepare your machine for embroidery mode (Refer to your machine Instruction Book for reminders about how to set this up.)
- Load and open the design you prefer into the machine.
- Thread Color: Don’t worry about the thread colors specified in the design – just use threads that complement your fabric choices. (Jane used the same color thread for the outer satin stitching, and the inner blanket stitched decoration – then used another color for the veins of the leaves.)
- Helpful Hint: The multiple leaf designs will stitch out one leaf first, then the next. This is helpful when you want to change thread colors depending upon fabric used. However, if you use the Color Section Key to cycle through the first outline stitch out of each leaf, you’ll only have to remove the hoop once to fuse the fabric into place. Just remember to cycle back to the satin stitch of the first leaf before removing the hoop, then remember to cycle past the outline stitch when the design takes you back to embroider the second and third leaves.
- Stitch the first outline of the design. Remove the hoop from the machine; lay on a flat surface with an ironing pad underneath. Press and fuse the leaf into place within the stitched outline. It’s helpful to use a small craft iron to make sure you seal all the edges to the felt.
- Return the hoop to the machine and continue stitching, changing thread colors as you desire.
- When all the leaves are appliquéd, remove the hoop and fabric. Cut each leaf out of the felt about 1/4″ or so outside the edges of the appliqué. If you plan on continuing with more leaves, re-hoop with felt and begin again.