
Sewn on the Horizon Memory Craft 8900 QCP.

Samples Designed by Michele Mishler.

Janome Supplies Required

Janome Supplies Required For Pillow 1:

  • A Foot
  • Zipper Foot

Janome Supplies Required For Pillow 2:

  • A Foot
  • F Foot
  • Buttonhole Foot

Janome Supplies Required for Pillow 3:

  • A Foot
  • F Foot
  • Buttonhole Foot

Fabric and Notions Required

Fabric and Notions Required for Pillow 1:

  • Cotton print fabric, 5/8 yd
  • Contrast fabric, 3/8 yd
  • 1/4″ cording, 2 1/2 yd
  • 20″ down pillow form
  • All purpose thread

Fabric and Notions Required for Pillow 2:

  • Grey linen fabric, 5/8 yd
  • Fabric for applique, two 5″ squares, one light value, one dark value
  • 20″ down pillow form
  • 40 wt embroidery thread
  • Bobbin thread
  • All purpose thread
  • Stabilizer, wide roll
  • 5/8″ buttons, 3
  • Template plastic
  • Wash away marking pen

Fabric and Notions Required for Pillow 3:

  • Gold linen fabric, 1/2 yd
  • Contrast fabric, scraps from Pillow 1
  • 12″ x 16″ pillow form
  • 40 wt embroidery thread
  • Bobbin thread
  • All purpose thread
  • Stabilizer
  • 5/8″ buttons, 3
  • 1/2′ bias tape maker


Instructions For Pillow 1:

• From the print fabric, cut two 20″ squares. From the contrast fabric, cut enough 1 1/2″ bias strips to make a 90″ length.
• Cover the cording with the bias strip. With the zipper foot, sew close to the cording, keeping the edges of the fabric even.
• Sew the cording to one of the 20″ squares, with the zipper foot against the cording. Start and stop at a corner, overlapping the cording. Clip at each corner as you sew.
• Match the 20″ square with cording to the remaining square with right sides together. Pin in place, matching the edges. Sew along the previous line of stitching, leaving a 6″ opening.
• Trim corners and turn the pillow right sides out. Insert the down pillow form, making sure to fill out each corner.
• Hand sew the opening closed.

Instructions For Pillow 2:

• From the linen fabric, cut one 20″ square and two 12 1/2″ x 20″ rectangles.
• Print templates for the 5 1/2″ circle, 4 1/2″ circle and 3 1/4″ circle. Trace the templates onto template plastic. Cut out each template.
• Using the template for a 4 1/2″ circle, trace a circle onto the wrong side of the light value fabric. Cut out the circle, adding a 1/4″ seam allowance to the edge. Turn under the edge of the circle and press.
• Using the template for a 3 1/4″ circle, trace a circle onto the wrong side of the dark value fabric. Cut out the circle, adding a 1/4″ seam allowance to the edge. Turn under the edge of the circle and press.
• Arrange the circles in a group on the 20″ square. Pin in place.
• Using the template for the 5 1/2″ circle, trace an additional circle to complete group, overlapping a fabric circle.
• Thread the machine with bobbin thread in the bobbin and decorative thread in the needle. Cut a square of stabilizer to back the pillow top.
• Select a decorative stitch. Lift the edge of the overlapping fabric circle, and start the stitching under the edge. Sew along the marked line, around the circle to the opposite overlapped edge. Lift the edge and end the stitching under the overlapping fabric circle.
• Add additional rows of triple straight stitch to the circle, using the edge of the foot for spacing the rows. Start and stop under the edge of the overlapping fabric circle.
• Applique the large circle in place using a favorite decorative stitch.
• Applique the small fabric circle in place using another decorative stitch.
• Trim threads and remove the excess stabilizer.
• Press the completed pillow top from the wrong side.
• Fold and press a 1″ double hem on the 20″ side of each 12 1/2″ x 20″ rectangle. Edge stitch along both sides of the hem.
• On one double hem, mark the hem for three buttonholes, spaced 4″ apart. Sew the buttonholes.
• Overlap the hems of the two pieces, matching the ends. Baste in place within the 1/2″ seam allowance. This makes the pillow back.
• Place the pillow pack over the pillow front with right sides together, matching edges. Pin. Sew around the pillow with a 1/2″ seam. Trim corners and turn the pillow right sides out. Press.
• Sew the buttons under each buttonhole.
• Insert the down pillow form into the completed pillow.

Instructions For Pillow 3:

• From the gold linen, cut a 13″ x 39″ rectangle of fabric. From the contrast fabric, cut 1″ bias strips to make a length of 40″
• On each end of the gold linen, fold and press a 1″ double hem. Edge stitch both sides of the hem.
• Mark one hem for three buttonholes, spaced 3″ apart. Sew the buttonholes.
• Fold and press a crease 10″ from one end. Make a second crease 12″ from the end, a third crease 14″ from the end and a fourth crease 16″ from the end.
• Fold the fabric at the first crease and sew along the fold with a 1/4″ seam. Make three more tucks in the same manner. Press the tucks to one side.
• Using the 1/2″ bias tape maker, make a length of bias tape.
• Center a strip of bias tape between the first two tucks. Pin in place. Center a strip of bias tape between the second and third tuck, and another bias strip between th4e third and fourth tuck. Pin in place.
• Back the tucks with stabilizer. Thread the machine with bobbin thread in the bobbin and decorative thread in the needle. Select an appliqué stitch.
• Sew a row of appliqué stitches along each side of the bias strips.
• Fold the linen fabric so that the hems overlap and the fabric is right sides together. Double check that the hem with buttonholes is below the plain hem. Adjust the folds so that the hems are centered. Pin in place and sew across the upper and lower edges with a 1/2″ seam. Turn the pillow right sides out.
• Mark the placement for the buttons directly below the buttonholes. Sew in place.
• Insert the pillow form to complete the pillow.



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