Scattered Hearts Pillow

Decorate any chair, couch or bed for Valentine’s Day with Jennifer Davey’s Scattered Hearts Pillow. This is a quick and easy project to make for that special someone just in time to celebrate the day of love. 

Janome Supplies Required

  • Janome or Elna sewing machine
  • 1/3 yard of burlap
    • Cut (2) 20″ x 20″
  • Janome or Elna sewing machine
  • 1/4 yard of 3 or 4 red cotton fabric prints
  • Buttons
  • All-purpose thread for assembly
  • 12 wt. thread (to contrast cotton prints)
  • SprayNBond® Basting Adhesive
  • Fiber Fil
  • Scissors
  • Needle thread


  1. Baste the burlap pieces to the matching batting pieces with SprayNBond Basting Adhesive. In the same manner, apply cotton print fabrics to the batting.
  2. Cut varied heart sizes from cotton print fabrics. Pin in place on the burlap piece.
  3. Thread the sewing machine with 12 wt. thread and lengthen the stitch length to 3.0.
  4. Stitch around the heart shape twice inside the raw edge of fabric. Repeat with all hearts.
  5. Sew the buttons in place on the pillow front with the hand needle and thread.
  6. Thread the sewing machine with All Purpose thread and set the stitch length at 2.5.
  7. With the right sides together, match the edges of the pillow and pin. Sew along the four sides of the pillow with a 5/8″ seam allowance. Leave a 6″ opening at the bottom.
  8. Trim the excess fabric from the corners and turn them right side out. Fill the pillow to the desired fullness with Fiber Fil. Hand sew the opening closed.


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