For those times when you are traveling and just want to take a power nap, but there is too much light, this is the perfect accessory for you. Maddie Bushman’s Sleep Mask is made for the frequent flyer who is tired, sleepy and anxious from traveling, exploring, teaching and learning.
Janome Supplies Required
- Any Janome sewing machine
- Zig-Zag Foot A
- All purpose sewing thread
- Bobbin filled with matching thread
- Blue Tip Needle 11
Fabric and Notions Required
- 10″ x 5″ – fashion fabric
- 10″ x 5″ – flannel
- 10″ x 5″ – batting
- 10″ x 5″ – lace (optional)
- 14″ x 1/4″ – elastic
- Two buttons, 1/2″ in diameter
- Straight pins
- Fabric marking pen
- Scissors
- Pink shears
- Hand sewing needle
- Download the pattern piece
*Feel free to embroider your sleep mask!
Fabric Preparation:
- On the wrong side of the fashion fabric, trace the pattern piece provided using the fabric marking pen.
- On the right side of the fashion fabric, arrange the lace where desired and adhere with a temporary spray adhesive.
- Set up the sewing machine for a straight stitch.
- Use a 1/4″ seam allowance when sewing.
- Adjust the stitch length to make a longer stitch. (3.0 is recommended)
- On the right side of the fashion fabric, arrange the lace where desired and adhere with a temporary adhesive spray.
- With the right sides together, take the fashion fabric and the flannel and place it on top of the batting. Note that the wrong side of the fashion fabric should have the traced outline that is visible.
- Sew on the traced line of the fashion fabric, but leaving a 2″ opening at the straight edge for turning right side out.
- With the fashion fabric still wrong side out, use the pinking shears to trim the sleep mask. Note that cutting with the pink shears will help make the seams lay flat.
- Turn right side out and press.
- Using the hand sewing needle and thread, stitch the opening closed.
- Adjust the sewing machine for sewing on a button or a narrow satin stitch.
- Place the elastic where indicated on the pattern.
- Stitch the two ends of the elastic on the wrong side of the sleep mask.
- If desired, take the buttons and stitch in place to cover the stitches that were made to attach the elastic.