Someday Quilt

Fabric and Notions Required

White prints: 1/3yard each of four(4) different prints

Navy prints: 1/2yard of one navy print

                    1/4yard of two(2) different prints

Hot pink prints: 1/4yard each of two(2) different prints

Pink print: 1/4yard

Teal prints: 1/4yard each of three(3) different prints

Backing fabric: 3yards

Batting: 45in square



42in x 42in



Seam allowances are 1/4in throughout.

RST = right sides together

WST = wrong sides together

WOF = width of fabric



Someday collection by Minki Kim for Riley Blake Designs




1. From white prints, cut:

    two(2) 4 1/2in x WOF strips

    two (2) 5 1/2in x WOF strips  


    one(1) 4 1/2in x WOF strips

    two(2) 5 1/2in x WOF strips   


    one(1) 4 1/2in x WOF strips

    two(2) 5 1/2in x WOF strips


    one(1) 4 1/2in x WOF strips

    one(1) 5 1/2in x WOF strips


2. From hot pink prints, cut:

    two(2) 2 1/2in x WOF strips

    two(2) 2 1/2in x WOF strips


3. From navy prints, cut:

    one(1) 2 1/2in x WOF strip

    one(1) 2 1/2in x WOF strip

    four(4) 2in x WOF strip for binding


4. From teal prints, cut:

    one(1) 2 1/2in x WOF strip

    one(1) 2 1/2in x WOF strip


5. From pink print, cut:

    two(2) 2 1/2in x WOF strips




6. Sew together one white strip, one navy strip, one hot pink strip aligning each long edges.

Press seam one side. Cut into 8 1/2in squares.


7. Using a rotary cutter, cut diagonally to make four(4) triangles.



8. Referring the picture, rejoin the triangles.


9.RST, sew them together aligning long edges. Press the seams open. Trim into 5 1/2in squares.


10. Referring to the finished quilt picture, Join the white print strip to colored print strips, replacing accent fabrics.


11. Take 5 1/2’’ x WOF white strips, cut into 5 1/2’’ squares. You need total 49 squares.




12. Arrange the blocks diagonally. Place one 5 1/2’’ square between the blocks.

You need 13rows. The longest center row has 13 blocks.


13. Join the blocks into rows and then join the rows to complete the quilt top. Press the seams of each row in the same direction and the seams of alternate raws in the opposite direction.

Trim the quilt top into 42in square.




14. Cut the backing fabric in half across the width. Remove the selvedges and re-join the pieces along the length with a 1/2in seam. Press the seam open. The backing needs to be least 2in-3in bigger all around than the quilt top. Cut out the leftover fabric.


15. Press the quilt top and and backing well. Make a quilt sandwich by placing the backing fabric right side down, the batting on top, then the quilt top centrally and right side up. The backing and batting are slightly larger than the quilt top. Baste the layers together using your preferred method.


16. Quilt as desired. Peta quilted a curved line pattern. Trim away any excess batting and backing and square up the quilt.


17. Sew the binding strips together end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press the seams open and  trim away the dog ears. Fold in half lengthwise, WST, and press.


18. Sew the binding to the right side of the quilt, folding a mitre at each corner, then fold the binding over to the back of the quilt and hand stitch in place to finish.



Minki Kim

Instagram @zeriano



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