Janome Rainbow Quilt Block of The Month Block 8



Welcome Back to the Janome Rainbow Quilt Block of the Month designed by Janome Maker Carolina Oneto!

This month we will make our eighth block. The Ohio Star quilt block was popular in the 1930s Depression-era and post-Depression quilts. It was a popular design among Scottish and Irish immigrants in the Midwest, and Amish quilters regularly employed it.



I sew all the blocks on my Janome 1600P-QC , I recommend you to use a stitch length between 2.0 and 2.2 anyway this amazing sewing machine is capable of stitch length variables up to a maximum of 6mm!


Please read through all of the instructions prior to starting this block. The block will have a finished size of 12” so that means the unfinished size will be 12 1/2.”  All seam allowances are 1/4″ unless otherwise indicated.





White background

  • One 7 1/4” square
  • Two 5 1/2” square
  • One 4 1/2” square

 Red 1

  •  One 7 1/4” square
  • One  5 1/2” square

Red 2

  • One  5 1/2” square


Instructions for making HST four at a time:


  • Make four half-square triangles.
  • Place a white and colored fabric (red 1) square (7 1/4”) right sides together.
  • Sew a 1/4″ seam allowance all around the perimeter of the square.
  • Make two diagonal cuts and press each piece open to one side.
  • Trim away the dog ears using a square quilting ruler, you will obtain four 4 1/2” HST




Instructions for making HST two at a time:


Do this process with the 2 white squares of 5 1/2” and the two squares of the same size in red 1 and red 2. You will assemble 4 half-square triangles.





  • To make a QST take two HST’s from the previous step (one red 1 and one red 2) and place them right sides together with opposite colors touching.
  • Use a pencil or water soluble marker and draw a line from corner to corner, bisecting the HST seam.
  • On both sides of the diagonal line, stitch a 1/4” seam.
  • Using an acrylic quilter’s ruler and rotary cutter, cut along the pencil line.
  • Trim the blocks to a 4 1/2” square





  • Arrange your blocks in the correct layout
  • Using a quarter-inch seam allowance, sew together in rows. Join all rows, using a quarter-inch seam allowance.
  • Press your completed block and trim down to 12.5″ square (if necessary).




Your block is now complete! I hope you enjoy this new block! And don’t forget to share it!



You can still start today and catch up with the Janome Rainbow Block of the Month by visiting the links below:

Block One     HERE

Block Two     HERE

Block Three  HERE

Block Four    HERE

Block Five    HERE

Block Six      HERE 

Block Seven  HERE   



After you make your block, we’d love to see them!

Janome Sewing Classroom

Janome America Instagram – Be sure to tag @janomeamerica and use the hashtag #janomemakes and also tag @carolinaoneto!












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