Discontinued Software

Support has officially ended for the following programs:

  • Scan N Sew
  • Customizer 2000
  • Customizer 10000 Plus 
  • Customizer 11000 
  • Digitizer 2000
  • Digitizer 10000
  • Digitizer Pro/MB v1 and v2 
  • Digitizer Jr. v3.0 – 
  • Digitizer Pro/MB v3.0 
  • Digitizer MBX v4.0 
  • Digitizer MBX v4.5 
  • Digitizer MBX v5.0 
  • Digitizer MBX v5.5  

Dongles for the Digitizers v1.0 through v4.5 are no longer available, so should you lose or break your dongle, or if the dongle fails, they cannot be replaced.

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