Valentine’s Day Pillow

Hola! It’s Fran from Cotton and Joy back with the third pattern of the holiday pillows series! If you missed the first two, you can find them here and here. . 



Quick projects like pillow covers are so fun and quick to make, and one of my favorite ways to infuse some holiday or seasonal fun into our home without spending tons of money. 


The third pillow in this series is Valentine’s Day-inspired scrappy pillow. The romantic in me can’t help but love Valentine’s and adding little touches of Valentine’s inspired decor to my home so it doesn’t look so sad after all the Christmas decorations come down. And it’s perfect to use up some of those scraps we all have in our sewing rooms!

Download your free PDF Scrappy Heart Valentine’s Day Quilted Pillow Cover Pattern HERE!  

Once again, I wish I had taken more pictures of the process but this came together so quickly, I didn’t even have time to!




For quilting, I decided to do my go-to quilting – straight line quilting! I used the walking foot on my Janome 9450 and quilted lines half an inch apart. I just lined up the edge of my walking foot with the seams on the heart and around the pillow cover to help guide me. 


Lately, I have been loving the look of binding on pillow covers. For this one, I used one of the brighter solids on the heart for a nice contrast with the light blue on the background.


I hope you enjoyed this project and don’t forget to come back for future seasonal/holiday pillow projects!


Fran, xo


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